Friday, May 22, 2009

Posh Swaps

(or fashionistas on a budget)

As we all very well know, swapping is the newest form of shopping that is sweeping the nation, but the difference is--it's guilt free! (which is why we love it) ... Haven't had the time to organize a swishing party? No problem! Now you can swap things with people from all over the world from the comfort of your very own home.

Check out the latest addition to the "home swapping network," POSH SWAPS:

Posh Swaps provides:
  1. a fun and free outlet where users can swap, buy and sell second hand, vintage and recycled, restyled, reworked clothes, shoes and accessories both designer and high street and for men, women and children ...
  2. insight on what you may not have otherwise known about swapping ... and ...
  3. networking opportunities--get to know people who are a part of the Posh Swaps social circle.

To learn more about Posh Swaps, check out the Posh Swaps Blog:

Photo courtesy of

Be sure to tell your friends about Posh Swaps!!


  1. It's a great idea! BTW the word Recessionista is exactly how I feel right now: still a fashionista with the recession fears right behing me ;-) Janee, you have come up with a brand new word! Anyway I am going to check out this swap site and see how it works... so long!

  2. Unfortunately I can't take credit for the word "recessionista"...BUT I can completely relate to the lifestyle of one! lol
