Friday, December 26, 2008

...But Tonight, I'm Cleaning Out My Closet


As the New Year quickly approaches, many of us want to start it off 'fresh and new,' because it is a new year, right?? For the lot of us, this is the equivalent to second chances...the chance to finally get that 4.0 [g.p.a.] you've been aiming for, a new 'do (hairdo, that is) perhaps...or even a new outlook on life--resolutions, anyone?! But what about a new wardrobe...?

As you go through your closet...

You come across an old, beady sweater that your Aunt Velma gave you for your birthday several years ago. No question here. Toss it!

What about that old leather skirt? "Hmm...It's so cute. Too bad it doesn't even fit anymore." Toss it!

"This old jersey dress...what a joke!" TOSSED!

At the end of your tossing extravaganza, you realize that you have nothing to show for [it] but an empty closet and a pile o'plenty in the middle of your bedroom.

"So now what? I have all of these unwanted clothes...."


Clothes swapping is the "eco-friendly way to be stylish," according to BBC Green--an alternative to throwing away unwanted clothes and buying new ones, ultimately reducing waste and saving energy. It's a way to recycle your wardrobe. You can still be fashionable without spending a dime! Who would've thunk it?! Swishing is the catchy new term used in place of 'swapping instead of shopping.' Gill Hart from calls this latest fashion phenomenon the ethical answer to shopping. In its November 2007 issue, Marie Claire praises swishing for combining four of fashion's current obsessions, including "fast fashion, value for money, vintage and ethical consumerism in one guilt-free package" (Hart). Everybody wins! You can swap things that you don't wear, giving them to someone else who will, walk away with a new outfit, updating your wardrobe, and/or even turn unwanted items into cash. Things that aren't swapped can be donated to local non-profit homeless shelters and your favorite charities. Elle magazine even goes so far as to calling swishing " The underground party scene." Speaking of, why not throw your very own swishing party?!

Learn how to organize a swapping, or swishing, party here:


  • Don't have the time or the space to throw a party? No worries! You can even swap clothes online! The great thing about swapping online is that you can swap things with people from all different parts of the world, and you know what that means--EXCLUSIVITY!

    Check out these sites:

    Just remember, swishing doesn't have to be for women's clothing only. You can swap anything, including but not limited to, furniture, books, baby's clothing, children's clothing, and even men's clothing. Thus, anyone can swap--even men! In these times of economic hardship, take advantage of penny-pinching outlets like these!

    To learn more about swishing, check out:


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